Want to be a food hero and make an impact? You will do the best favour to you, your beloved and your planet without any effort, eventually also gaining up to 200 euro a year.

Food is the most important connection with nature and people. It is part of who we are, our habits and cultures. Plus, we all need it and derive happiness from it.
However, one third of all food produced globally is lost or wasted.
To make it simple, every
three 🍌🍌🍌🥑🥑🥑🥦🥦🥦🥕🥕🥕🥚🥚🥚🍗🍗🍗🍕🍕🍕🍪🍪🍪
one 🍌🥑🥦🥕🥚🍗🍕🍪,
goes into the bin.😫
We love food, we need to make sure it is respected.
We can all make an impact just eating and not wasting it.
Here some very simple actions for our everyday life on food:
👉🏻 eat leftovers;
👉🏻 buy what you need;
👉🏻 learn where food comes from;
👉🏻 check expiring dates.
Easy no?
Respecting food means appreciating the back-story of food. When we know the full picture, it is easier to see what our food really stands for and how precious it really is.
Why eating food I can make an impact
In average globally 70kg of household food, almost the weight of 400🍔, are wasted by each person every year.
Although there is plenty of food in our cities, food requires land, water, energy and a lot of human labor to reach you, and it is now the cause of major issues🥺
When we waste food, all the resources used for growing, processing, transporting and marketing that food are wasted too. Food is so much more than what is on our plates.
"It's simple....just eat food and respect it 🙌 You can save energy, water, land, biodiversity and money!”
Imagine also the money you do not loose....we may speak of an average of more than 200 euro per year!✌🏻
Other simple tips on how to make an impact
Just apply this simple steps 😊
👉🏻 Cook what you will eat be realistic don’t prepare food for 5 people if you are only 3.
👉🏻 Freeze leftovers if you cook too much food, put it promptly in the freezer for another day.
👉🏻 Turn the leftover food into the next day’s lunch or dinner make something different for every meal seems tastier, but there are many creative and delicious recipes on the internet to use leftovers.
These ones are a bit more difficult, but maybe you want to give it a try😅
👉🏻 Buy only the food you need I know it almost impossible in our attractive supermarkets. Tip: go to do the grocery when your belly is full.
👉🏻 Love ugly fruits and vegetables they taste as good as the nice looking ones!
👉🏻 Be mindful of expiration dates and store food wisely.
👉🏻 Learn where food comes from by learning more about our food, where it comes from, when it is in season and what it takes to produce it, we grow our respect for what we are eating.
If you have guests:
👉🏻 Share leftovers with guests: if you have cooked too much, invite them to take some home.
👉🏻 Do not exaggerate with portions or allow guests to serve themselves in order to choose as much as they would like to eat. A host usually errs on the side of too much.
Want to know more? Below some info for you
Why food is important?
In our vast world there are some important things that connect us all, and one of these is food. We love food so much, but why do we let so much of it go rotten in our fridges or dumped off of our plates?
Today, around 800 million people go to bed hungry every day.
On the other hand, the world as a whole wastes or loses 1/3 of what is produced. However, if we save just 1/4 of the food currently lost or wasted, we could feed all these people.
Our food choices affect the health of our planet and our future of food. When you eat, you are taking in natural resources and the hard work of the farmers, bees, harvesters and others who got the food to your plate.
What about the water, the energy and the labor, to have food reach your place?
We tend to forget it, but natural resources are needed to produce the food we throw away. Every raw material we eat takes water and labor to grow, as well as energy to be processed.
For example, it takes
👉🏻 13 lt of water to grow 1 🍅,
👉🏻 50 lt for 1 🍊, 1000 lt for 1 lt 🥛, and
👉🏻 more than 15.000 lt for 1 kg 🥩.
But it also takes soil, labour of farmers, fuel and energy for machinery, transport, animal feed, processing, packing and freezing. All of these resources are lost when the food is lost.
Anything else I can do?
Of course yes, but we want to make it simple for you. For now just start with this, you can already do a great impact, to yourself and the planet.
We will provide more insights soon..stay tuned 🙌
Other interesting articles
Approximately 1/3 or 30 % of the world’s food was lost or wasted every year, as calculated by FAO in 2011 as a broad, preliminary estimate. The figure is currently being replaced with two separate indicators, the Food Loss Index and the Food Waste Index.
In March 2021, UN Environment Programme calculated the Global Food Waste Indicator at household level at 17 %.